Hello! My name is Sarah Lew.

I’m a facilitator, artist, engagement-enthusiast, and mindful mover.


There are two ways of getting home; and one of them is to stay there. The other is to walk round the whole world till we come back to the same place.

-G.K. Chesterson

The first time I read this quote I knew it applied to the world I hold inside myself. All our answers are inside of us, but we often times don’t cultivate the space to listen for them. Through my eclectic yoga flow, I’ve focused my energy on cultivating that space through journeying to different parts of myself, always returning to my true soul self at the core. And that’s what I help you tap into to facilitate learning.

After graduating from Adelphi University, I traveled the country developing and delivering professional and personal development programs. I’ve spoken in 19 states, enticed countless young professionals to join in on improv activities, and consider every surface I stand on (or screen I sit behind!) as a stage on which to develop and build people.

After completing my Master’s degree at Concordia University, my focus shifted to virtual teambuilding for multigenerational teams. As a trainer, researcher, and facilitator my focus is always on taking abstract concepts or new ideas and helping teams embody new practices in their day-to-day work.

I considers myself a learning nerd — a human with a passion and a calling to help teams and individuals identify what they want and then excel at what that is. By connecting, thinking, reflecting, and gaining skills to navigate this world, I support the growth of people.

I have been passionately practicing yoga and art for the last 15 years, unknowingly being a facilitator of meaning in those spaces. My calling has been to foster a positive and well-balanced state of mind for all. With yoga being the relationship that is built between the body, the mind and the breath I work to emphasize the importance of creativity within these learning relationships.